A Million Ways to Care: Giving Back to Our Communities
In a parking lot, a woman wearing a shirt for Hands On Twin Cities stands before a crowd of volunteers wearing Team Target volunteer shirts. She holds a clip board and talks into a bullhorn.
ONSCREEN TEXT: Target’s culture of care means
making an impact in the
communities we serve
HANDS ON WOMAN: Hello everyone! We are so excited for all of you to be here today.
Photos flash by of Target team members smiling at a volunteer event, wearing hardhats. A sign hangs from a pop-up tent that reads “Welcome Target Volunteers!”
WOMAN: [crosstalk] … We are here at the school today, um, over a hundred Target Team Members came out.
A woman wears gardening gloves as she picks weeks in a garden, and a large group of people wearing green shirts wait outside of a Target store. At another event, people wear suits as they sink shovels with green ribbons on them while wearing black hardhats.
MAN: Super excited to be here today.
A group of people sit in attendance of a speaker, then at one of the volunteer events, a woman wearing a Target Team volunteer shirt approaches a few other team members, hugging one of them.
WOMAN #2: Hi everybody! How are you?
At another event, a woman wears gardening gloves outside a school. A bucket sits on a bench behind her and she holds a small trowel. Her shirt reads “R300” on the breast. Meanwhile, someone else pulls weeds in another part of the garden.
R300 WOMAN: This is just gonna bring so many more things to life.
At another event outside a school, a group of women all in Target Team shirts dance on a sidewalk, then more people cheer in front of a colorful mural. The clip shrinks, joining other clips on a green background. Clips from events, intercut with brightly colored squares, slide sideways like reels of film. One clip fills the screen of a man standing in a hallway, wearing a nametag that reads “Ron B.”
More clips appear side by side of Ron and other team members gardening, painting a sports themed mural, spray painting something on the ground, putting together shelves in a classroom, planting trees. A sign appears with different types of seeds listed.
RON: I think of the importance of listening, Of co-creating. Of doing with community and not to community.
In a target store, the Timberwolves mascot Crunch and Target mascot Bullseye hold hands with a kid as they run into a store, leading a long line of kids. Timberwolves cheerleaders shake their pompoms as the kids run in.
RON: It starts about really caring for the person that’s next to you.
In the target store, kids wearing Timberwolves merch shop with basketball players. A man enters through doors at a school and throws up a peace sign with a grin. At a construction site, three women, Cassie, Katie, and Marjorie wear hardhats with their names on them and smile for a photo. Another woman wearing a Habitat for Humanity shirt carries a ladder.
Text appears over team volunteers as they walk through the in-progress garden.
hours from our
team member
Clips slide by each other. One features the back of someone’s shirt, covered in Target bullseyes in various sizes with the word “volunteer” curving around one of the larger bullseyes. Another features a volunteer carrying an armload of cleaning chemicals. People dig through plants in a garden bed, and another volunteer interviews in a park.
WOMAN #3: It’s just really awesome to give back to the community, I’m from Dallas so it’s really great to be able to be in my community, help out.
Text appears as team volunteers work on the colorful sports mural on the side of a school.
Volunteers sit outside in an audience, a team member uses a tool on a house, and the group of Habitat for Humanity volunteers pose for a photo together.
WOMAN #3: We’re having a great time, it’s really been fun, I’m really excited to be here.
Another woman stands near a football field in a park as she interviews, and photos flash by of volunteers at the Habitat for Humanity event, people in business casual outfits post for a photo, and attendees listen to a speaker.
WOMAN #4: The way that we show up in our communities matter, and it’s important that we do the right thing.
Clips appear of volunteers leaving handprints on a group piece of art, painting bleachers bright green, a man hanging a sign on a tree that reads “Please! Do your best everyday” with a thumbs up, and a man speaks to the camera while standing on the sidewalk outside a building.
MAN #2: I have one hundred plus of our team members out here today supporting and giving back to the community.
Text appears over a group of volunteers posing for a photo.
In products and cash
Donated by Target
And Target Foundation
The woman with the R300 on her shirt throws her hands up.
R300 WOMAN: And it’s just special because we all get to be a part of it So excited to be here!
Three volunteers smile as they paint green text on a white picnic table. Three other volunteers pose together in a gymnasium. A woman grins as she paints the side of a trash bin in a park, and volunteers listen as they stand in a parking lot. Volunteers move through a high school gym and wave at the camera in clips from various events.
Text appears over people as they fill garden beds at a school.
Hours of team member
Pro bono service
To small businesses
And nonprofits
Another woman interviews holding a paintbrush with green paint on it. Clips appear alongside her of children smiling while wearing Big Brothers Big Sisters t-shirts. In a target store, one girl holds a box of crayons, then her jaw drops as someone grabs something else. The Bullseye mascot puts a large silver gift bow on a girl wearing a Timberwolves jersey. A boy looks through a cart.
WOMAN #5: I think for me, anytime I am volunteering with children, just to see their face light up cause you’re doing something that’s making their day better, their year better, really just makes my life better.
As they put the finishing touches on the school mural, volunteers hang around chatting. Team members enter a Target store with the kids and volunteers of Big Brothers Big Sisters. A boy gives a thumbs up at a check out lane, and a man interviews in a park.
MAN #3: And it means so much to me personally because, at their young age, it’s such a huge impact on their lives so, really glad to be here.
Photos and clips appear of a high school marching band, volunteers at events, a man holding a megaphone that reads “The future is here” on the side of it, more volunteers at various events in schools and parks, and a girl from Big Brothers Big Sisters grins in a Target checkout lane. At an event, a sign reads “Welcome Target Volunteers” as people gather for a photo. Ron interviews in a hallway.
RON: This is one thing we know for a fact. That when we care for our team, we care for our guests, we care for our communities, that’s talking about having a meaningful impact that’ll last.
Ron and clips from events appear over the green background, then a white background fills the screen with a red Target Bullseye.