Target’s Honoring Military Families This Veterans Day—And All Year Long

  • Oct 29, 2020
  • 2-minute read

*Note: This story reflects a previous year’s plans. Learn more about Target’s 2023 military discount.

Every November, Americans commemorate Veteran’s Day as a way to say thanks to those who have served—or continue to serve—our country. At Target, we’re showing our gratitude for servicemen and women and their families with our popular military discount, year-round support of our team, and longstanding community partnerships.

For the fourth year, we’re proud to extend our 10% military discount* to all U.S. active-duty military personnel, veterans and their families to use in stores or online between Nov. 1-11. Simply visit for full details, including how to verify your military status to claim the offer and more.

New this year, guests can add a veteran or military family status to their Target Circle profile—making them eligible for bonus offers. Also with Target Circle, any member can vote to direct Target’s community giving funds to local military organizations in certain markets.

And there’s much more …
Our ongoing support for active-duty military, veterans and their families reaches well beyond Veterans Day. All year round, we partner with the USO and Operation Gratitude for volunteer events across the country. And as a member of Veteran Jobs Mission, we have joined with other top companies in a pledge to hire more U.S. military veterans – with nearly 300,000 veterans hired coalition-wide to date and a goal of hiring 1 million veterans by 2020.

If you or your loved ones are serving or have served our country, we share our heartfelt thanks—today and always.

*Exclusions apply.

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